
Production: Little Red Riding Hood

Company: Blue Orange Arts

Rehearsals: 2nd – 20th December (exact days TBC)

Tech/Dress: 21st-23rd (exact times TBC)

Performances: 26th December – 5th January

Fee: Profit share with a guarantee minimum of £1000 (you get either the profit share OR £1000 which ever is the greater amount)

Auditions: Tuesday 12th November – In person at the Blue Orange Theatre

(If you cannot make that date please do let us know and we will try to accommodate if possible)

Description: Little Red Riding Hood is an ensemble, musical production taking a subversive look at popular fairy tales with an emphasis on revolting children. The production follows Little Red’s Journey into the woods to visit her grandmother, crossing paths with Goldilocks and Hansel & Gretel along the way.

Roles: We are looking for 1 female actor, playing age early 20’s – 30’s. A good character actor for multiple-roles with singing and comedic skills.  Ability to play a musical instrument would be an advantage (but not necessary)

The roles are – Goldilocks (A hardened criminal and cat burglar), Gretel (A greedy and manipulative child with a German accent) and Little Red Riding Hood’s Mother (worn down by Little Red’s incessant talking). This is a multi-roling part so will be all three roles.

To apply: Please send a photo and CV to casting (at)

Upcoming casting opportunities will be posted here.